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2014 - 2017

Carborundum, Drypoint, Stencil

From 69 x 99 cm to 69 x 125 cm

Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo

5th Guanlan Print Biennial, China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen

GraN 2015- Nordisk grafikk, Akureyri Art Museum, Island

Statens høstutstilling 2015, Oslo

Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Spring Exhibition, Copenhagen

RE OPEN 2015, Bankside Gallery, London, UK

MTG, International Print Triennial 2015, Krakow/ Dalarne, Poland/ Sweden

The following works are depicting  excursions to areas located at 30ºN: Sinai desert in Egypt, Wadi Rum in Jordan and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The arid landscapes are characterized by the same grand, desolate and deserted as Svalbard. My meeting with the Bedouins who live and walk in these desert areas is the main motive in many of the images in this series.

All Rights Reserved  ©  Ellen Karin Mæhlum / BONO

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