2014 - 2017
Karborundum, koldnål, sjablong
Fra 69 x 99 cm til 498 x 205 cm
Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo
Charlottenborg Kunsthal, Spring Exhibition, Copenhagen
Høstutstillingen, Oslo
GraN - Graphic Nordica, Akureyri Kunstmuseum, Iceland
Bølgen Kulturhus, Larvik
SPENNVIDDE, Rørosmuseet
6th Guanlan Print Biennial, China Printmaking Museum, Shenzhen, China
MTG International Print Triennial – Krakow – Falun, Sweden
BIECTR, The 9th Biennale internationale d’estampe, Canada
National Original Print Exhibition, Bankside Gallery, London

2004 - 2007
Carborundum, Drypoint, Stencil
From 61 x 63 cm to 118 x 398 cm
Galleri Norske Grafikere, Oslo
Gallery of the Icelandic Printmakers, Reykjavik, Iceland
33 IGC, International Geological Congress, Lillestrøm
80° - International Astrobiological Conference, Leeds, UK
80°, Galleri Sverdrup, UiO
"The Norwegian Graphic Artists" Galleri Atenum, Warsaw, Poland
With Geologists at Svalbard
The research centre PGP (Physics of Geological Processes) hosted by the University of Oslo invited me to join the research expedition AMASE (Artic Mars Analog Svalbard Expedition) in 2003 and 2004. During the expedition I followed the work of both biologist and geologist in the field. The visual material for the Geoprint series is related to specific geographical areas around Bockfjorden (79°28′08″N 13°19′43″E) on Spitsbergen.
The series of print entitled GEOPRINT is based upon forms and patterns that become apparent on a micro and micro scale. As well as observing the work that was carried out, making drawings and photographic records during the fieldwork period, I was able to make use of a digital microscope. The visual material along with the researcher's photographic images of stone scrapings, form the basis of several of the images in the series. The colours in some of the images have been chosen because they represent visually the experience of nature and culture on Svalbard.